• Minggu, 09 Maret 2025

Indonesian Women's National Team Rises to 94th in FIFA World Rankings

Indonesian Women's National Team Rises to 94th in FIFA World Rankings
Indonesian women's national team players Ajeng Sri handayani (left) and Reva Oktaviani in action against Saudi Arabia on FIFA Women's Matchday at King Abdullah Sport City Reserve Stadium, Jeddah, Thursday (20/2/2025) local time or Friday (21/2/2025) early morning WIB. (doc: PSSI)

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - The Indonesian women's national team officially advanced three levels to 94th in the world in the official release of the FIFA ranking update, Thursday (6/3).

In the latest FIFA release, Garuda Pertiwi moved up to 94th in the world with 1210.57 points. This number increased 0.87 points from the last ranking of the women's national team on December 13, 2024.

The additional points were obtained when the women's national team won 1-0 over Saudi Arabia in the FIFA Match Day match at King Abdullah Sport City Reserve, Jeddah, on February 20. 

The victory was achieved through a goal scored by striker Reva Octaviani.

This ranking increase is also the fourth time in a row that the Indonesian women's national team has always risen in the official FIFA release.

On June 14, 2024, the ranking of the women's national team climbed to 107th in the world, then on August 16, 2024 it moved to 104th in the world, and closed to 97th in the world on December 13, 2024 after winning the 2024 Women's AFF Cup.

However, in the scope of Asia, the Indonesian women's national team is still far behind because it is in 17th position, also in Southeast Asia still losing to Vietnam (37th place), the Philippines (41st place), Thailand (47th place), and Myanmar (55th place in the world).

After the FIFA Match Day against Saudi Arabia, the women's national team continued training camp in Japan and participated in an inter-university tournament.

This training camp is part of Garuda Pertiwi's preparation for the ASEAN Women's Championship which is scheduled to be held next June.

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