• Sabtu, 22 Februari 2025

Erspo Unveils New Garuda Crest for Indonesia's Jerseys

Erspo Unveils New Garuda Crest for Indonesia's Jerseys
Source: instagram @erspo.official

SEAToday.com, Jakarta - Erspo has released a new logo for the new Indonesian national team jersey. The logo consists of several elements, including the ‘Garuda’, the Pancasila shield, textures of lines and dots, a checkered pattern, batik motifs, and circular patterns.

Through an Instagram post @erspo.official, Erspo mentioned that there is a deep philosophy behind the crest.

"Behind this symbol, there is an unwavering fighting spirit. The Garuda national team crest is not just a symbol, it is a manifestation of hope, pride, and the love of the entire Indonesian people for the nation's football."

The logo will complement the new jersey for the Garuda squad, which will be released on February 14. The jersey will be worn in matches against Australia and Bahrain in March.

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